This Guidebook was written and developed by ITU expert Ricardo García Bahamonde. It was prepared within the scope of the ITU-ILO project on accessibility of online job application and recruitment systems, under the supervision and guidance of the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau Digital Society Division, with input provided by Jürgen Menze (Disability Inclusion Officer, ILO) and Stefan Tromel (Senior Disability Specialist, ILO).

ITU and ILO appreciate the strategic advice and technical inputs provided by the members of the project’s Advisory Committee:

– Danielle Dubois, Public Service Commission, Canada
– Facundo Chávez Penillas, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
– Jesica Rivero Espinosa, Fundación ONCE
– Sakunthala Mapa, Leonard Cheshire

ITU and ILO appreciate the collaboration and cooperation of the entities and individuals that participated in, and supported, the assessment of several online job application and recruitment systems, e-recruitment systems, and related content:

– International Labour Organization (ILO)
– United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
– World Health Organization (WHO)
– World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
– United Nations Secretariat
– Leonard Cheshire
– Fundación ONCE and the validators that provided end-user experience feedback during the assessments